Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Snowfall...

Its snowing!!! To be honest, I was slightly dreading this moment...bad weather and icy roads...but now that its come, I love the snow. It looks so amazing. I knew it was supposed to snow a little bit, but there are a good couple of inches on the ground right now. Of course, it will be short lived, as the temperature should go up tomorrow. That's ok. There's enough time for a good snowball fight or sledding maybe...hmm. I feel like now its officially Christmas season, and I have a huge urge to go down the plaza in Kansas city and window shop (if I weren't in VA of course)! Oh, and I am definitely drinking hot chocolate right now. If we had a fireplace, it would be perfect.

Ok, enough about that. Hopefully everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Cincinnati was awesome, although we did basically spend the entire time watching college football...but, I guess that's what I get for hanging out with three guys. We did do a few other things, went out on the town, did some window shopping, watched some movies. It was very relaxing. So nice to see Alex too.

On a not so pleasant note, Alex's Grandpa was not doing well the week up to Thanksgiving, he had cancer, and they knew he could go at any moment. He died Saturday morning after, if you could all keep him in your prayers, I'm sure Alex would really appreciate that.

Since the break, this past week, I have been working like crazy to make up for the few hours I did over Thanksgiving, spent a night out with Christendom people, and have been playing some indoor soccer. Only about two more weeks til I come home for Christmas!! Can't wait! Well, that's all for now...


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