Thursday, November 19, 2009

Its Been Awhile...

So, I know, its been probably over two months since I have posted anything on here. I've been meaning to! With all the time I spend on the computer, you'd think posting on my blog every now and then wouldn't be so hard!
Anyways, what has been going on...well, work as always. Every day, five days a week. Fun stuff. A couple of weeks ago, I started going out to dinner every Thursday evening with a few other alumni who are still living in the area. It has definitely been a good way to keep in touch with a few people, and its nice to get out every now and then with a group. Other than that, I have been staying active by playing soccer a few times a week. I am on an indoor team on Friday nights with my brother, sister, and a few other people from Christendom. And then I play again on Sundays and Mondays. Hopefully I will start teaching dancing on Wednesdays as well. In addition to all of this, I usually see Maddie about once a week to hang out and talk. Her baby is getting so big! I can't believe it!
So, the holidays are coming up, Thanksgiving next week and Christmas in a month...super exciting! Anybody have good plans? Matt, Marion, and I are making a road trip down to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving at Alex's. Should be tons of fun! It'll be nice to get a break from work and actually hang out with old friends! Alicia...will you be around?
OK, well that is a very condensed version of my past two months far as today goes, I have been home all day, grading papers and blogging. Tonight is the weekly dinner with alumni, and after that I may watch some intramural volleyball at Christendom. I promise to blog more often!!
